Self-love program for women will teach you to raise your self-worth and go through life fluctuations from an authentic trustworthy place.
Self-love is about being there for yourself first and for all. Be your back, your support, raise your awareness, confidence, and trust in yourself.
Your Instructor
Since the age of 16 learning Buddhism and spiritual ways of living.
Practicing Personal Development tools from Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Mindfulness, Logo-therapy;
the teachings of Pema Chodron, Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Joe Dispenza, and Louis Hay.
Studying Brain- Body maps, willpower mechanism, six pillars of self-esteem, Flow psychology, Inner child therapy, Shadow work, Chakra cleansing.
Interlacing Mind and Body with Yoga, Meditation, and the Alexander technique, Iris is an advanced (350 hours) Yoga teacher and NLP practitioner.